I think I should add to this that I think one of the most important things we can do for farmers is provide them with business planning that addresses the full lifecycle of a business. https://twitter.com/Casein_Micelles/status/1333851799560839171
What will you do if your children aren't interested in farming? How will you handle natural disasters? How will you plan for failings in your own health?
Most importantly, I think we need to help farmers create space between their self-perceptions and the existence of their business.

They are related, but separate entities.
This isn't a new thing. My grandmother's father had to stop farming after a bull ruptured his kidney. His whole family had to shift from being a farm family to a family in which daughters took on factory work and he, after healing, started working on a roadcrew.
I think it's good for farmers (and all small business owners!) to be able to create space for how they value themselves and the end result of their life's labor.

(I might be subtweeting my younger self and my dad here)
There's value, both financial and mental, in being able to admit when something isn't working and trying to come up with solutions beyond hoping something is going to change.
So few things in life are *failures*

Life happens.

Your family is important. Your wellbeing is important. Your ability as a being to give and receive love is important.

So many things, things we perceive of as BIG, are small in the grand scheme of our short lives.
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