just my opinion but everyone on this site spends too much time discoursing and not enough time cyberbullying their respective mayors
for every one (1) tweet i see explaining to me why various queer pop culture things are bad, i want to see three (3) tweets telling your mayor and/or city council the specific ways in which they have let you down
for example, this guy??? this guy could stand to have some very rude tweets sent his way https://twitter.com/kron4news/status/1333859394027622400
five households. FIVE. why does everyone in leadership think that they can tell people they need to make sacrifices and then turn around and do the exact opposite
many ppl are using this to inform me 🙋 that they love their mayors ❤️ well make your own post 😤 this is about people who hate 🚫 their mayors 🙅‍♀️ and also mostly about eric garcetti 🤷‍♀️
i am learning a lot about various mayors against my will but i am so proud of everyone who is taking up the cause of cyberbullying their mayors ❤️
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