Good morning! I tweet to you all today from the virtual halls of the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), at the beginning of a second day of hearings around UAW 2865 & UC's Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charges.
Opening statement from UC: Tim Yeung, representing the Regents, alleges that UAW did not disavow or rebuke union officers... who advocated for the health & well-being of their fellow workers, who aren't paid enough to live at UC...
I wonder why @UofCalifornia is fighting so hard to keep their workforce in poverty?
Doozy of an argument from Yeung/UC: Almost every form of financial support and compensation, including fee remission and housing, is not subject to negotiation.
As a UC worker, I really enjoy having a roof over my head. Hard to see how housing is not a worker's issue...
Yeung/UC: "The allegation that 'military surveillance' was used at the UCSC picket line is simply not true."
That's quite a bold claim to make with absolutely nothing to back it up!
. @LaurenKGurley, @willparrishca, and many, many others have proven that UCPD, CHP, CA National Guard, and regional sheriff & police forces extensively collaborated to surveil, brutalize, and repress the @payusmoreucsc strikers.
Margo Feinberg, lawyer for UAW 2865, points out that all photos of the UCSC strike that UC used in their opening statement were taken using THE VERY SAME surveillance tactics that UC says did not happen.
gonna go heat up some lunch while the judge runs through the ~200 evidence exhibits 😅😅
Feels very weird that UC administrators & labor relations officers, whose entire job is to stonewall workers and crush collective action, sign off on their emails with "solidarity"
Looks like EVC Lori Kletzer was checking in on each department chair to make sure that instruction & grade submission continued.
Between this and the UCSB COLA strike, it's clear that admin leveraging faculty/IOR/student-worker relationships were crucial to breaking the strike.
Whoop, there it is! Email from EVC Lori Kletzer (UCSC) to EVCP Paul Alivisatos (UCB).
"As we try to write a playbook here at Santa Cruz, all I can offer this morning is that faculty are crucial... I hope you have a more cooperative faculty than we do."
Heyyy, it's me! I had a great little petty back-and-forth with Peter Chester (head of UCOP labor relations) as a result of this email 🥰
Respectfully, let Judge Shawn Cloughesy say "fuck"
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