LIVE: A @cdcgov advisory committee is meeting right now to recommend who should get first covid-19 vaccines when they're available. Here are the work group members.
LIVE: A @CDCgov advisory committee will vote on recommendations for allocating the first covid-19 vaccines. Health care personnel and nursing home residents are getting top priority in the discussion.
LIVE: Nursing home residents make up less than 1% of the population but account for 40% of deaths. @cdcgov #acip
LIVE: At least 243,000 confirmed covid-19 cases in health care personnel. @cdgov #acip
LIVE FROM @CDCGOV: There are 21 million health care personnel and 3 million people in long-term care, who may get the first covid-19 vaccines.
LIVE FROM @CDCGOV: Here are the populations who might get vaccinated first, according to their risks and needs. #acip
LIVE FROM @CDCGOV: By the end of December, the number of doses available will be about 40 million, enough to vaccinate 20 million people. Not available all at once. Anticipate 5-10million doses per week post-authorization @ACIP
LIVE: Sara Oliver of @cdcgov says some health care personnel should get priority for vaccines: Personnel who handle infectious materials inpatient or outpatient; those in residential care or long-term care facilities; those w/o known infection in prior 90 days.
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