1/ It's #GivingTuesday ! Let's support non-profits who are working on making the tech industry diverse and equitable. 👇🏾
2/ Natives in Tech is building tools for Native communities. https://twitter.com/nativesintech/status/1333812859231461383
3/ Tech By Choice is on a mission to increase the diversity of the tech industry by offering low to no cost events, workshops and classes to our members. https://twitter.com/TechByChoiceOrg/status/1333827505375985664
4/ Byte Back provides a pathway of inclusive tech training that leads to living-wage careers. https://twitter.com/ByteBackDC/status/1333501312969879552
5/ Coding2040 is working towards the proportional representation of Black & Latinx technologists in the innovation economy. https://twitter.com/Code2040/status/1333836773844201475
6/ Women's Society of Cyberjutsu is a 501c3 Cybersecurity Community Advancing Women in Security Careers & training the next generation https://twitter.com/WomenCyberjutsu/status/1333800416417497088
8/ America On Tech is an award-winning, early pipeline tech talent accelerator creating pathways into technology. https://twitter.com/JessWorldwide/status/1333786754063560705
9/ Resilient Coders is training people of color for high growth careers as software engineers, and connecting them with jobs. https://twitter.com/resilientcoders/status/1333824202332385282
10/ Project Include is building a community to share recommendations and solutions for startup CEOs and employees. https://projectinclude.org/join-us/#donations
11/ VetsWhoCode is dedicated to training veterans & giving them the skills they need transition into tech careers. https://twitter.com/JeromeHardaway/status/1333775671902998528
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