The media pendulum is starting to swing, and will keep going, towards stories about losses from Brexit. Because these will be the easy stories. Because minor easements with other countries won't make up for major new barriers to the EU. And because the EU is nearer.
The widespread assumption that the benefits of EU membership were not caused by EU membership, that this level of openness was the global standard and you could just switch off the bits you didn't like, is going to be proved wrong.
And it will be the more tangible losses that are more likely to affect the UK's EU debate than GDP losses that as we found out recently few people understand.

And they happen trade deal or not. Which is going to add to the confusion.
I don't anticipate a flood of leavers suddenly wanting to rejoin. Or Labour taking anything other than an ultra cautious position with regard to EU relations. But it will probably become easier to make the case for specific collaboration such as Erasmus or Horizon.
The shock of the difference between being in and out of the European Economic Area is just starting. A big difference.
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