Here's an ideological test. Do you believe government should be making health-related decisions based on what politicians and the constituents putting pressure on them feel is right, or do you believe government should support the work of experts then listen to them? #cdnpoli 1/8
Conservative MP Eric Duncan - first openly gay conservative MP (and good for him) - is pressing the government to simply do what he, and I for that matter, feel is right. And screw whatever the experts happen to say about it. Remind you of any other current issues? #cdnpoli 3/8
I'm sure Mr. Duncan's passion on this topic is genuine and not manufactured. On this one, he's aligned with many progressives including myself. It's terrible that men who have sex with other men are stigmatized and treated differently anywhere, including here. #cdnpoli 4/8
To be honest, I don't even know why experts are still concerned about receiving blood donations from sexually active gay men. I'm just not an expert. I know it doesn't make me feel good. But is that reason enough to substitute my ignorant opinions for theirs? #cdnpoli 5/8
Lately, it's become fashionable to assume the left heeds science and logic and the right just doesn't. It isn't always true. Any time we believe something strongly - which we all do - there's the temptation to go with our gut and ignore evidence to the contrary. #cdnpoli 6/8
Experts exist to keep us honest, and to keep our politics honest (as best they can). They aren't infallible. But if we stop even believing in the importance of expertise we're just arguing over what feels true to me vs. what feels true to you. Which gets us nowhere. #cdnpoli 7/8
So, we're left here. I (like many) hope that sexually active gay men are able to donate blood the same as anyone asap. They deserve equal treatment, and frankly we need the blood. But the government is doing this right by letting the experts guide the final decision. #cdnpoli 8/8
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