how to be a better trans ally, from a trans person:
1.) do not deadname them, in any circumstance. even if they’re just coming out, do not use their deadname to refer to them (unless there are specific situations where you’re asked to)
2.) misgendering also applies to the same statement above
3.) if they use multiple pronouns, interchange those pronouns. do not pick and choose what pronouns you want to use.
4.) phrases like “she’s a boy now” “he’s a girl now” “*chosen name* previously known as *deadname*” are big no-nos
5.) do not infantilize trans people for being trans, especially trans men !!
6.) no matter if you understand the gender identity or not, just be supportive of it! nobody’s gender identity is harming anybody!!
7.) please take the time to educate yourself on trans issues. you’re never going to be able to get educated unless you seek out the information yourself!
i’m making this thread because of elliot page’s recent coming out. i’ve been seeing a lot of transphobia because of this, and i hope this helps some people understand some basic dos/donts.
adding this here again just in case
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