The ratio had an uncanny link to 10-year yield levels over the past five years, measured on a weekly basis over 5 years, and it's reportedly one of Jeffrey Gundlach's favorites.
But right now, it looks broken.
In recent weeks, copper has rallied hard while gold plunged, sending the ratio to levels that suggest 10-year yields should be about double -- even with today’s eight basis-point jump to 0.92%.
It appears to be going through a regime shift -- a statistical term that implies large and persistent change in the structure of a complex system like the global economy.
That doesn’t mean that copper, gold and Treasuries will no longer correlate -- merely that the level at which they correlate, or even their relative betas, might shift.
“Co-movement does not necessarily mean causality from one to the other. Nor does it mean there is always a long-term stable relation between the two," Harry Tchilinguirian at BNP Paribas told me.
The question is, why?
There are a number of reasons.
First, the central bank reaction function has changed.
It's pretty much established that for a given level of growth and inflation, they'll give us lower interest rates.
At the same time, there are regional differences in the pace of recovery from the virus. And manufacturing is bouncing back faster than services -- with a long term shift to greener economies also benefitting copper.
Copper is in vogue, more than gold.
That doesn’t mean that copper, gold and Treasuries will no longer correlate -- merely that the level at which they correlate, or even their relative betas, might shift.
(Oh, also look out for cameo's by @Ole_S_Hansen and @SophieHH5)
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