A thread on literature
(1/) Literature ages with you. As you grow, you should continue to advance your reading comprehension. It keeps your mind active and healthy.

That doesn't mean you can't enjoy YA or MG or NA fiction.
(2/) Colleges shouldn't be reading YA. Colleges are meant to be challenging and engaging. Spoonfeeding literature does more harm than good. No, that doesn't mean books only by white men. It's racist to assume adult books aren't written by poc.
(3/) It doesn't matter how many languages you can read in if your comprehension level is on an elementary level. You don't boast about playing Mary Had a Little Lamb on five different instruments, so don't do it with languages.
(4/) The literary world is based on nepotism and money. The majority of books on the New York Times list are bad books. But knowing the right people and pushing the right message gets you far.
(5/) Reading is fun and reading is tough. Both are acceptable. Do what makes you happy but don't boast that you're smarter just because you read The Handmaiden's Tale or War and Peace.
(6/) Write what you want to read. If you think everything is shit, write it better. That's how we create a thriving and engaging community. Competition is great. It promotes excellency.
(7/) Enjoy middle grade, young adult, new adult, adult, and nonfiction. Read what you want to because that's what reading is (mostly) about.
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