Talking to a mentor today and I fully realised that at 23, I am actually doing great- by my own standards.

Here are the principles I live by:
Financial literacy is essential. Forgive yourself for the things you didn't know about money in the past, and educate yourself going forward. Google is free or follow @ThePennyPal @penniestopound @Bola_Sol
I bought my home with my partner this year, both 23. We've both been saving for a house since we were 18, before we met. My point? I don't seriously date anyone whose values + financial behaviour isn't aligned with mine. (I wasn't a date around person, I'm too lazy for that lol)
I used to go the gym at 4am, just so I could train my brain to do hard things and manage my discipline. I'm Jamaican, 4am in this England, in the depths of winter, was tough. The principle? Put yourself in uncomfortable situations so that you get used to doing hard things.
Keep promises and commitments you make to yourself. When you commit to a goal and fall off, without picking yourself up again, you tell yourself you're not worthy. If you don't believe in yourself enough to commit to and invest in you, it's hard to convince others to.
The internet is not real life. Comparison creeps in when you allow yourself to be distracted from your own version of success. Social media is a tool for many things, unless it's paying you... log out often.
The best gift you could gift yourself is clarity. I navigate life very different because I have been pursuing clarity for most of my life. Not interested in what anyone else is doing; focused on why I am here.
Be so good they can't ignore you. The goal is never perfection, it's excellence. That takes time, commitment and investment. You have to be ready for the long haul.
Marathon not a sprint. Most people want to be overnight success stories without having the kind of character that can sustain a success journey. If you character isn't strong enough, you'll lose it quicker than you got it.
Prioritise your peace. My boundaries are very clear with the people they're for. Most people won't understand that- it's okay. Have your boundaries and protect your peace anyway. You will disappoint some people and you will live.
Ladies, don't date down. That's all. Don't do that.
Edit your life and circle often. You have to ruthlessly go through your life with a fine tooth comb. If people no longer fit, make adjustments. It's not always a matter of cutting them off, just demote and promote accordingly.
Surround yourself with people who aren't afraid to tell you the truth. @bukiieSmart , @iamrebeccatembo and a few of my closest friends check me OFTEN. Be mad, or be better. Your choice.
Not everyone deserves access to your time, energy and investments. Clarity will tell you how to invest all of those things- allowing you the best return.
Multiple streams of income does not mean multiple streams of active effort. Figure out how to make your money work, even when you're not. Again, @ikeeyah_ @ThePennyPal @Bola_Sol talks about this.
Mind the business that pays you. Do what you say you were going to do. Tell the truth, even if it's uncomfortable. There's no virtue in being busy for the sake of it- productivity is about priority, not excess.
You are not a tree- you can move whenever you want; always explore your options.
Above all, take your time; don't waste your time.
Oh, I forgot this one:

Failure is information, not a destination. Gather your learnings, and then move on.
You can follow @KadieGlenn.
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