Black Women who Twerk DOES NOT MEAN they don’t respect themselves!

Exploring Respectability Politics and Black Women 1/6... Y’all should’ve known I was going to say something 🚫🧢
2/6 Stop Weaponizing Respectability Against Black Women... Respectability Politics are 🗑 and don’t worry I provide a working definition
3/6 “Respectability politics” are rules for marginalized people to follow in order to “earn” respect in mainstream culture... I know it’s so many that’s going to disagree with analysis of respectability politics and guess what I debate too lol
4/6 It’s so many people Lost in The Sauce of Respectability Politics, y’all blindly uphold it regardless of its implications... you create black spaces for enjoyment of black people to adhere to mainstream standards of respectability
5/6 AGAIN “Respectability politics” are rules for marginalized people to follow in order to “earn” respect in mainstream culture.
6/6 The motivation of respectability makes sense – we want to survive. We want to protect ourselves and each other and to maintain our dignity, instead of being treated like we’re inferior.
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