To anyone who might be unaware;
farmers from Punjab and other parts of India are fighting for their livelihoods right now. They are in Dehli peacefully protesting but are being met with violence and aggression from the Indian police. 1/4
The Indian government is introducing bills that essentially are a violation of human rights. These bills are undemocratic and will ultimately threaten the survival of the people of Punjab. 2/4
I’m going to link resources where you can learn more about what’s going on & find out how you can support the movement and get involved. But please RT to spread awareness. 3/4
Our people are having to fight for their basic human rights during a world pandemic, and this isn’t anything new for 2020 - we’ve seen this all year. But once again we need to come together to support each other however we can. It’s the least we can do. 4/4
A great thread that explains the specifics of why the kisaans (farmers) are protesting
You can follow @snxhaaaaa.
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