the popularization of words like "junta" & "fascist" as coded instruments of reactionary political expression in ethiopian discourse is being exploited to emotionally brand the masses into "safe" ways of expressing ethnic hatred.
in india, the right wing used the urdu word for mister to derogatorily refer to muslims and normalize anti-muslim violence. this type of deceitful co-option of language is superficially more sophisticated than using terms like "daytime hyena" or "cockroach/vermin/pest"
this type of social conditioning bodes poorly for 🇪🇹 as it is a recipe for total chaos. no political movement should ever mobilize the type of reactionary currents that are set in motion. it is clear there's an agenda to divide the masses along every conceivable social fault line
a friend in addis noted how ethiopian school children are even singing songs incorporating emotionally branded words like junta. ethiopian society is not politically sophisticated enough to understand the long term objectives the imperialist social conditioning project.
the issue is less about the word itself as it is about the emotional branding. the word woyane was used to a similar effect among the diaspora. when its bigotted association becomes too transparent & too impolite to conceil, the groups promoting them will simply adopt a new word.
ppl socialized in this way easily morph into genocidal lynch mobs at the sign of the slightest perceived provocation. any responsible political movement remotely interested in fostering an inclusive national agenda would refrain from & punish the use of such rhetorical devices.
prepare for an avalanche of misinformation that will come with this branding campaign. after everything they have flagrantly lied about over the past few years, this is practically nothing.
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