Had a really cool drill planned for my fire company tomorrow. I took a house/room clearing drill I did in the Army and modified it for fire ground communication and tactical coordination.
Kinda important stuff. Would help understanding the whole picture inside & outside.
We just got notice that drill this week is canceled due to the insane community spread of #COVID19
West Seneca has the highest number of cases in Erie County.

So our skills atrophy. Our readiness decreases. West Seneca residents aren’t served as well as they should be.
All of this because people refuse to mask up, to distance, to accept that life brings challenges that demand sacrifice. And to be clear, smaller gatherings and gym closings are incredibly minor sacrifices.

Your actions have consequences that impact everyone around you.
So if you’re going about maskless, if you’re flouting CDC guidelines, if you’re contributing to community spread, don’t you dare say you support first responders.

You’re making our jobs more dangerous and compromising your entire community.
You can follow @timmerzzz77.
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