How To Learn Any Skill Really Fast?

// THREAD //
There are 4 main steps to learn and master any skill, and maybe anything.

1. Learn
2. Apply
3. Fail
4. Master
1. Learn

Before you start learning...
You need to have intention.

What do you want to learn?

Do you really want to learn it? and would you give it what it takes?

If Yes. Then start.

Collect informations. Watch videos. Purchase courses. Read. Ask. Take notes.
Learn with intention + Collect as much informations as you can + Learn consistently = You’re going to crush it

Just keep learning.

Now. You need to...
2. Apply

Now you need to take action.

Because without applying what you’ve learned. You didn’t do anything.

It’ll be hard to start applying. I know. We all went through that.

Just keep trying. Try to find solutions. Take a step backwards and figure out what you missed.
3. Fail

Yep. You read that right. You need to FAIL. Because if you didn’t take this step seriously while learning then you’re not really learning.

Fail, and get back to step number #1 and #2 again.

Because you are learning from your failures too.

And after that...
4. Master

By mastering, I kinda mean “Make a living from it”.

But you can take it as another concept like for example Sharing your knowledge or teaching people how to learn that skill.

It depends on you.

And most importantly...
It doesn’t mean it’s the end.

You always should develop that skill.

Learn more and more. Share you knowledge.
A quick Conclusion

1. Learn with intention. Don’t learn it because you saw someone is learning it or you found it a cool thing to do.

2. Apply. Apply what you have learned and be sure that it won’t be easy as you thought when you started to learn ;)
3. Fail. Well, you will anyway. Because there’s nothing that worth, comes easy and without failing and suffering. Repeat the steps #1 and #2

4. Master. Make money from it. Teach people how to do it. Learn consistently even if you think you’re ‘perfect’ at it.
That’s it. Looks easy right? It makes you want to learn something new now, huh? 👀

An easy skill that you can literally make $1000s a week.

I tried to apply these steps to learn Web Designing. And to be honest. I feel that i’m truly learning it really fast.
It’s been 2 weeks now and I can design a whole website in few hours. From scratch.

And the most exciting thing? I can charge $1000 easily on it 👀

Are you looking to spend 2-5 hours a day designing a website and make $1000s a week?

Then you have a chance in front of you...

Take it or regret. $10 off ... 👀

(Freaking proud affiliate for this masterpiece). 
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