Being a homemaker is a job.
The day that we learn to separate this labor from gender and marital status is when we can move closer towards actually compensating ppl for their labor instead of doing everything possible to juxtapose it against corporate like it's not valuable or needed.
In fact so much of societal problems we can attribute to root traumas that occurred at home as a result of capitalistic nuclear family structures that were imposed without considering equitable flow of renewing and sustaining those lifestyles.
And by "separating from gender" that doesn't mean devaluing labor of a particular gender, rather not imposing gender norms which associate house related labor as "a woman's job".
There's a direct parallel btwn this attitude and society undervaluing and under paying the labor of essential workers which contributes to the lack of sanitation which emboldened this pandemic.
Theres a direct parallel between the govt presenting data and policy of the pandemic in a way that thrust responsibility on the individual while also downplaying how sanitation at home could lessen spread. But if ppl don't value homemaking this logic fails.
Not only is govt failing by not giving ppl the tools they need to stay home and sanitize, but this failure was predestined by the nuclear family model and patriarchal society which is built to devalue and underlay homemakers sanitation and essential workers.
This is without getting into the implications of xenophobia and caste systems which has been upheld by years of entitlement by those who only defend undocumented on the justification "someone has to do the dirty jobs".
As a society this attitude of pinning the dirty work on marginalized ppls, not paying them and deepening class inequality cannot continue. Or it will lead to pandemics and disaster every time.
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