Just spoke in the Commons debate on the new coronavirus tiers. I cannot in all good conscience support them. I support the need for restrictions so we can control and eliminate coronavirus, but these proposals don't achieve that and lack any coherent exit strategy. THREAD👇
They are too flawed, and they needlessly punish too many while failing to achieve the continued reduction in cases that we need. A long-term plan to control and eliminate Covid-19 is vital if we're going to break the cycle of lockdowns that these tiers will likely lead to. (2/5)
Just relying in vaccines alone to solve our problems has been criticised by the experts. Gambling in this way is incredibly dangerous. What we need to see instead is a plan for a Covid-Secure UK that sets out an exit strategy and makes local councils partners. (3/5)
And if we are to use the tiers, I do not oppose Oxfordshire as a whole going into Tier 2, which is the plan. The Oxfordshire-wide system approach has been a real strength locally, and we need to build on that. (4/5)
It's vital we're careful for Christmas and suppress the virus, but relying on a system we know doesn't work is dangerous. (5/5)
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