1) Contrary to the popular narrative, Donald Trump decisively won re-election. The idea of “President-elect Joe Biden” is a myth. A sham. A sick joke perpetrated by a dishonest media in complete denial of reality.

What we are fighting for and why we will win. A thread.
2) The next month will reveal the culmination of President Trump’s primary mission of restoring the dream of what our Founding Fathers called the “Great American Experiment.”

The basis of civilization is simple: The Rule of Law, applied equally to all.
3) So long as a system of law is clear and immutable, so long as every person and organization is held to the same standard, from greatest to least...

Civilization will out. Community will prosper, without reservation or doubt. But...
4) Should an underclass arise - or an “elite,” as is all too common - should the law be selectively applied to some and not others, should rulers dictate arbitrary changes to the law through capricious edict...

The result is inevitably chaos. Diktat. The death of Liberty.
5) Not for nothing did our Founding Fathers foresee that the Tree of Liberty must be regularly watered by the blood of patriots. The temptation to oppression is inevitably present for those who hold power. We must always remain vigilant.
6) Hard work as it is, we must invariably hold our representatives accountable. We must, we must, we must.

Yet we have not.
7) Consent of the Governed has failed. As foreseen nearly a quarter millennia ago, Government Of the People, By the People, For the People has been replaced by the age-old “Government by the Entitled for the Entitled.”

Tragedy. Travesty. The basest of evil.
8) Government no longer serves us. Instead, we now serve the government. The “elite” are given license for the most wretched of excess while we have become slaves.

Enter Donald J. Trump.
9) Perhaps Trump is a narcissist, obsessed purely with legacy. Perhaps he is merely a flawed human (as are we all) in the twilight of his years, determined to get right with God. In any event, Donald Trump sought and assumed the Presidency for one reason only...
10) To set right that which was wrong. To restore the preeminence of The People. To ensure that the Great American Experiment shall not perish from this Earth.

That’s it. No more and no less. That is the essence of #MAGA.
11) Drain the Swamp.

Oh, how we have heard this, and for so long. Yet what does it mean?

Corruption. Lies. Cynical manipulation of all we hold dear. Clearly. But beyond that...
12) The system has broken. The Mensheviks - the noisy minority, so worthless, so tiny - has seized the grand stage of power through a vacuous yet persuasive mix of demagoguery, psychological warfare and the brutal suppression of dissent.
13) The vast ocean of Bolsheviks - the rightful majority - has been silenced. More importantly...
14) These cretins have used our own system against us, cynically and ruthlessly exploiting our Representative Democracy to turn freedom into perceived menace and oppression into perceived virtue.
15) This must not stand. This will not stand. Because President Donald J. Trump is foresworn before We the People and before God that this will not stand.
16) Against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That is the oath. That is his duty. That is OUR duty.

We will not fail.

Holding the criminal element accountable is inestimably worthy. All well and good. But...
17) To truly drain the swamp, the system which allows that swamp to prosper must be dismantled. Accountability must be restored. Going forward, those elected to office must first and foremost serve the interests of the people.
18) Otherwise, a new criminal element will arise and we will have achieved nothing.

Even more importantly...

FAR more importantly...
19) The United States of America is under attack not only by a domestic enemy but by a foreign enemy as well. Indeed, the entire civilized world is besieged by the most Byzantine, most pernicious and most farsighted of enemies:

The Chinese Communist Party.
20) Through manipulation, coercion and economic bullying, the CCP has spent the past two decades corrupting the free world. They seek to co-opt us, to dominate us, to destroy us.

By any means necessary.
21) Even more than our domestic adversary, this is our most formidable opponent.

Yes, this genetically-engineered Chinese Virus was intentionally unleashed on an unsuspecting world. It was a deliberate Act of War. No doubt.

22) China suffered as well, one might say.

Which means nothing. When has the CCP ever valued human life, including its own people? Especially it’s own people!
23) Ask any Tibetan. Ask any Falun Gong. Ask Tank Man, brave hero of Tiananmen Square, whose name remains unknown to this day.

Ask any voice for Democracy. For humanity. For dissent.

Ask any Uighur. Better act fast, though, lest you find the latter already extinct.
24) The CCP cares only for power. The CCP is evil to the core. And yes...

In addition to this pandemic, the CCP also directly attacked the United States
of America by hacking our computer systems and subverting the re-election of President Trump.
25) The world has changed while we slumbered complacent. Opportunities for corruption on scales breathtaking vast have become all too real. Today we vote...
26) By computer? Using systems developed by shadowy companies controlled by our enemies? Manufactured in foreign countries? Programmed in foreign countries? Systems with - incredible but true - internet access?

Are we insane?
27) Or are the domestic adversaries of liberty so arrogant and so desperate to please their masters in China that they no longer hide their disdain for We, the People, whose electoral voice has been silenced?
28) They hate us. They mock us. They seek to forever enslave us. They believe they have won.

They could not be more wrong.
29) They created fraudulent votes whole cloth. By the millions. Joe Biden won nothing. Donald Trump was the choice of fully sixty percent of the American People. We - all of us, great and small - turned out in droves for the man who not only promises us freedom, but delivers.
30) This came as an astonishing shock for the rabid-mad fringe of the left, though it was an obvious reality to the wondrous great masses of ordinary Americans.
31) Baked in from the start, they had cheated by the millions. Yet because of our outpouring, it was still not enough.

What to do.
32) Panicked, they simply stopped counting! Unprecedented. But necessary, for they had decisively lost. Unless...

They conspired. They consulted. Late into election night, they wept and they wailed.
33) Democrats. China. Our enemies, Foreign and Domestic. Re-plotting an old course...

Doubling down, they cheated further, more millions, desperate to cling to power, terrified of being held accountable for their long decades of criminal behavior.

Acts of Treason. Acts of War.
34) Die cast, they hunkered deeper into corruption, brazenly hoping that Propaganda alone - the gaslighting of their media lackeys - would be sufficient to carry the day.

Hot air and cold lies. That’s all they got.
35) None of this - NONE OF THIS, Foreign or Domestic - can withstand the bright light of day. Not one ballot. Not one preprogrammed manipulation. Not one vote. No chance in hell.

Believe what you’re told. Trust us! Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look!
36) That’s what we are seeing now. It’s their only chance.

The end of liberty. The birth of tyranny. Descent into dictatorship...

This is how it starts. Don’t think. Don’t look. Let us steal this election, just once. Just one time. We promise!
37) That’s how it starts. Always. Throughout history, no people has ever freely chosen Communism, Fascism, Theocracy...

One cheat.  Just one, then sham landslides of Socialist “paradise” forever.
38) They did this deliberate. To us all. They chose. Acts of War. Treason.

Death penalty. No mercy. Fully deserved.
39) Make no mistake. Countless millions love Donald Trump. He is our hero. He stands for us all and we know it.

And Fortunately...
40) Thinking strategically, applying military analysis rather than political, President Trump and the Federal Government have been on this since January 2017.
41) Domestically, the FBI has infiltrated the corrupted elements of our political system, treating them as exactly what they are.

Organized Crime.
42) We saw what they did. We surveilled what they did. We recorded what they did. Legally. All the way up to the top.

As for the CCP...
43) We surveilled them as well. Best in the world, capturing everything, the NSA has been on this from the start. All the way up to the top, we have it all.
44) Politicians of both parties...

Complicit. We have it all.

The media...

Complicit. We have it all.


Same, same. Provable. Guilty as hell. It’s over. As President Trump himself has clearly spelled out...

We caught them all.
45) The criminal systems were already in place. The corruption of our electoral process had already occurred. A fraudulent election with a fraudulent result...
46) This was a given. It could not be stopped. Needing millions, they faked millions. Needing more millions, they faked more millions. So they would continue as needed, ad infinitum. Only the scope was in question. They could not be stopped, but...
47) They most assuredly could be caught.

All according to plan, the greatest trap of the past millennia has been sprung. The political version of the Battle Cannae where Hannibal achieved a double envelopment, utterly annihilating an entire Roman army...
48) All is well.

Donald Trump is our President. So he will remain until 2025.

The conspirators have played their hand fully. They are spent. Smoke and mirrors, endless repetition - “Nothing to see here, don’t look!” - that’s all they’ve got.
49) Meanwhile, backed by the full weight of the Constitution, armed with the awesome power of the Executive and the terrible swift sword of a Federal Government operating under Emergency Powers - Wartime President indeed! - Donald J. Trump, our Champion, is just getting started.
50) All that has happened so far is mere prelude. Setting the stage, theatrically and legally. President Trump - not candidate, but POTUS, sworn to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies Foreign and Domestic - is propelling us inexorably onward to the main event.
51) The Supreme Court.

There, with the whole world watching, two co-equal branches of government - the Executive and the Judicial - will execute their sworn duty to serve as a check and balance, passing judgment on the corruption that has infected our legislative body.
52) The Constitution will be preserved and defended. The full breathtaking scope of subversion will be revealed. The Corruption will be excised from our Body Politic, root and branch.

Justice will be served.
53) The CCP will also be held accountable. God willing, the people of China will rise up. Revolution will come and the terrors of Marxism will fade from the Earth, once and for all.
54) For four more glorious years, Donald J. Trump will serve - truly SERVE - the People of this Great Nation.

Then comes the hard part, for it is incumbent upon us all, black and white, rich and poor, gay, straight, redneck and immigrant...
55) To fulfill our great civic duty and actively participate in the governing of our nation. The American Experiment needs every one of us to serve, just as Donald J. Trump has served. One people. One country. In service, not to a Master Elite, but to each other. To ourselves.
56) In the words of Lao Tzu...

With the greatest of heroes, the people will say...we did it ourselves.

May we prove worthy. May it be so.

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