My thoughts for the day. Conflicted. I miss the shit out of going to shows. I miss my friends. I miss the stress relief that comes from a good day of wrestling and being able to just talk about storylines and characters for awhile. I gave up WWE a while back...
and simply have been watching @AEW to get me through the pandemic. Sure it's not the same, but it's the closest I'll get to my local shows. Hell, I've had chairs moved for me by some of their talent. I've even banned one of their talents from out podcast due to a racial promo.
One by one, local shows have come back. Many run by people I consider dear friends. I would love to support them, throw a few bucks their way (love being a DINK househould), and shoot the breeze with some of the nicest and funniest people I know
But as much as politics has overshadowed things. We are still in a pandemic. Each person who wears their mask under their nose, refuses to wear one, or says "we need to get on with our lives" is setting us back days, weeks, or months from normal.
I'm high enough risk I chose to teach virtually from home this year. Abandoning everything I knew to keep myself safe. Kat is in a similar boat and took a similar path.
Do I trust myself to follow precautions? Sure to the best of my ability. Do I trust my close friends? Sure. Do I trust every talent? Sadly GCW demonstrated a couple of moths ago. Do I trust every fan? I'd love to see a poll of how many in attendance think its a hoax.
If you want me to feel safe at shows anytime soon, I need more than words. I need more than "policies" that won't be enforced. I need transparent precautions, which include not just audience members but EVERYONE There.
Every expert says traveling puts you at more risk. Whats one of the things we respect most about indie wrestling? How much they travel to put on shows for us right?
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