How to become a man worth following (and worth paying)

A thread on leveraging your strength and utility.
The internet has idolized following and monetization

While there is nothing generally wrong with these, the issue lies in the passion behind them.

The same passions are in all men, what makes a man is how these passions manifests and the actions that come from them.
In society we see three types of men:

The Narcissistic Man
The Independent Man
The Altruistic Man
The Narcissistic Man derives his common good from society, but is selfish and seeks to gain much from it despite providing little.

He ends up exploiting others and is concerned with his own comfortable self-preservation.
This selfish ambition creates fear,

Through this he becomes vain and cares primarily for his petty advantages over others.

As a result, he commands others away from their own desires, which sets others against themselves and encourages deceit.
The Individual man is self-sufficient.

Society needs nothing from him, and he needs nothing from it, yet he is whole and fulfilled in himself.

He has broken from the social games that society lays as a trap and is independent of the class and political games that are played.
He has fought his dragons and has gained wisdom.

In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, this is the philosopher that has left the Cave and has seen the sun

Much of self-improvement has placed an emphasis on becoming independent but had done a poor job at illustrating what to do after
The Altruistic Man is the Independent Man that has ended his time in the Wilderness and has returned to society.

He still needs nothing from society, instead he seeks to give to it.
Both the Altruistic Man and the Narcissistic Man lean into their natural passions,

but once independence is achieved, it allows the Altruistic Man to do so with a basis of genuine concern for others.
At this point he will be able to selflessly contribute to the common good.

He takes only what he needs and what is freely given to him without exploit, and leverage the strength of his acquired knowledge.
If you want to gain a following anywhere, first become independent.

Without independence we will return to society fractured and dependent, unable to carry the moral responsibility required of the Altruistic Man.

There will be much more information on all of this coming soon.
You can follow @Debtlifts.
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