scorching take incoming, fair warning

still here? here it goes: solarpunk aesthetics are cryptoreactionary bullshit, an anti-intellectual "back to the land" ideology dressed up in eco-leftist branding
density is far and away the most ecologically efficient way to house millions and millions of people

the good future looks like a few ultradense cities surrounded by vast tracts of sparsely inhabited rewilded land
the idea that the most ecologically efficient solution is ten million people each living in their own detached but ~~high efficiency~~ house is cute, in the way that cottagecore is cute, but it ignores the devastating consequences of ecosystem fragmentation
i.e. both the vast direct costs of infrastructure--roads, power, sewage, internet, commuting, etc etc etc--but also it multiplies the size of the human-wild interface exponentially in a way that is not conducive to a functioning ecosystem
in conclusion, we should let dezone LA and let california's chaparral burn

(let the indian tribes manage the burns, more properly)
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