THREAD: Those of us who are calling out the great harm Trans activism & Ideology is doing to our children, will remember this day for as long as we live.
Keira Bell has won.
Here's our analysis of a complex judgement today in Bell v Tavistock, at the Royal Courts of Justice /1
This is a landmark judgment for doctors looking after children with gender dysphoria: in essence the judgement states that children do not have the capacity to make an informed decision to take puberty blockers bc they cannot fully understand the impact the drugs will have. /2
There's insufficient clinical data to guide that consent. This impacts HERE @HSELive : GIDS could not provide the court with basic information about how many of their patients have Autism Spectrum Disorder, despite this being highly prevalent in children with gender dysphoria. /3
This raises serious questions about the Clinical Governance of a service which @HSE STILL buys. Further, as children are considered too immature to consent to drug therapy, the Irish government should immediately halt all plans to extend the Gender Recognition Act to 16yr olds /4
The rush to expand Gender self-ID to under 18s is both reckless & inappropriate when there is much to question about the evidence for managing gender dysphoria in this age group. Puberty blockers are "controversial, experimental treatment with limited evidence base". /5
Far from 'giving time to think' the evidence clearly shows that practically all children & young people who start on puberty blockers progress to Cross Sex Hormones. In the only peer-reviewed data of its kind, a founder member of EPATH & member of WPATH, Dr de Vries found that/6
only 1.9% of adolescents did not proceed to Cross Sex Hormones (CSH). WPATH & the Endocrine Society both describe Puberty Blockers (PB) as fully reversible, yet even Dr de Vries herself admits that there is "uncertainty as to the long-term physical consequences of PB on bone.7/
density, fertility, brain development & surgical options". "Surgical options" refers to the horrifying reality of the stunting of children's secondary sex characteristics at Tanner Stage 2 which make Sex Reassignment Surgery difficult bc their genitals remain childlike./8
The Court said it found it surprising that data was not collated by the NHS Gender Identity Development Service, in light of the "experimental nature of the treatment & the profound impact that it has". There was no clinical explanation for the 4,200% increase in the number /9
girls requesting treatment in an attempt to change gender. They described the lack of data analysis, "apparent lack of investigation" or clinical curiosity/ rigour as surprising. The word 'surprising' is used again & again to describe the actions & protocols employed. /10
As this was not a Tort action for negligence, the case did not rest on Keira Bell proving that the Tavi was negligent so the court was careful to avoid that word. The scope of the JRC was consent. Prof Scott of UCL in evidence stated they had 'significant doubts about the.. /11
ability of a young person under 18 to adequately weigh & appreciate the significant consequences that will result from the decision"( to transition). We are putting the Irish Government & the proponents of the expansion of the GRA to under 18s. You owe a duty of care./ENDS
*on notice
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