1/ White conservatives like to tell Black folks to "stop wallowing in victimhood" by talking about racism. But they literally marinate in grievance and a sense of their own victimhood as a matter of daily routine. Let's count all the ways they feel victimized shall we? ...
2/ Even before Trump they insisted they were the victims of taxes, secular humanists, feminism, "radical Islam," political correctness, affirmative action, welfare cheats, immigrants taking their jobs, government regulations, auto emissions laws, militant LGBTQ activists...
3/ ...a ban on organized school prayer, the Endangered Species Act, the liberal media, Hollywood liberals, Obamacare, a ban on assault weapons, and background checks for gun purchases, rampant crime (even though it's fallen by more than 1/2 since the early 90s)...
4/ Since Trump they've added 'cancel culture,' @kathygriffin (whom they tried to cancel despite their rage over cancel culture), a global pedophile ring run by Hillary Clinton, antifa, BLM, birthright citizenship, "fake news" (aka the actual news)...
5/ ...Facebook and Twitter, The "Deep State," Dominion software, dead voters, Hugo Chavez (also dead), Stacey Abrams, AOC, a deliberately created "China virus," Anthony Fauci, scientists in general, masks, having to stand 6 ft away from others at Costco...
6/ ...other Republicans who aren't Trumpy enough, low-flow faucets, water saving toilets & dishwashers, paper straws, athletes exercising their 1st Amendment rights, trans folk supposedly trying to get their kids to have surgery, and George Soros who's funding all of the above...
7/ These people are the ultimate "victims." Their entire lives are about grievance. At least the Black folks they tell to stop whining actually have shit to yell about. These folks, on the other hand, are the most over-indulged, conspiratorial, whiny adult-babies in history...
8/ We should not try and reach out to them or "feel their pain." We should mock their hypocrisy and ridiculousness and insist they put on their big people pants and grow up.
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