Today's thread: Benefits of using a SAUNA

It is not well studied whether or not there are definite benefits to using a sauna but lets dive into some of the possibilities.
What is sauna bathing?

It is a form of whole-body thermotherapy used in different forms for centuries for multiple purposes including hygiene, health, and spiritual reasons.

Three variables include: construction style, source of heating, and level of humidity
There is plenty of evidence that suggest sauna bathing can induce profound physiological effects.

The hypothalamus is activated by elevating skin temperature and core body temperature by certain pathways which in turn activates the autonomic nervous system.

What does this mean?
Activation of this nervous system has profound effects on cardiovascular benefits including increased heart rate, skin blood flow, increased cardiac output, and sweating.

Long story short, these things help your body maintain homeothermy, the ability to maintain a set body temp.
What about on a cellular level?

-reduction of reactive oxygenated species
-reduced oxidative stress and inflammation
-increase in mechanisms similar to exercise
-increased nitric oxide bioavailability

More information please!!
Cardiovascular health outcomes

-improved congestive heart failure
-decreased congenital VSD blood flow
-improved cardiac arrhythmias
-improved pain in peripheral vascular disease
-decreased risk for myocardial infarctions
Rheumatological and Immune health outcomes

-reduced symptoms of fibromyalgia
-improved chronic fatigue/myalgic symptoms
-reduction in chronic headaches
Depression outcomes

-improved relaxation
-improved somatic symptoms
-improved hunger
Respiratory outcomes

-improved COPD symptoms
-improved exercise times after use
-improved nasal flow in allergic rhinitis
Healthy population outcomes

-decreased cholesterol levels
-improved blood pressure
-decrease in cortisol level (stress hormone)

-subjective and objective health benefits ranging from cardiovascular to mental
-improved rheumatological benefits
-improved respiratory symptoms in chronic disease
-improved exercise performance
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