The City is proposing to spend $2 mil of its $3.1mil CDBG funds on emergency rental assistance. We are on the verge of an eviction cliff come the end of December. If people don't have assistance for housing more people will die.
Write your support to the City of the proposal and ask your City council for more funds allocated to rent assistance and homelessness prevention. Urge County Council to extend the eviction moratorium. Call your federal reps and urge the same for the CDC.
And for people who care about $ over people. More dead people = a dead economy. More homeless people = a weakened economy. There is countless research that shows homelessness makes it much more difficult to find and keep work and find and keep permanent housing.
Submit your comments here: [email protected]
Slight correction: they are CDBG-CV funds released specifically for COVID response. Not from their usual pot of CDBG money.
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