True morality rests on never passing moral judgment.

Those who condemn the past ages of men ascend in arrogance, and the further they go, the more likely it is they come closer to plumbing the depths of barbarism that marked the men they condemn.
It is only through somber remembrance of where we came from and the conditions which we escaped that allow us to be moral today that we can maintain it. The moment we destroy history for ideological purity's sake, we lose any barometer by which to judge ourselves.
Past ages of conquerors, murderers, rapists, genocidaires, slavers, exist as moral testimony so that we can find our own way through life. Never forget, and you shall never succumb. Forget, and you will lose the way and become as they were.
There are certainly some men worthy of moral condemnation, those who exceeded any and all moral standards, even by those of their time. But if they are in the past, they are dead. If they are in the present, then stop them. The rest is up to God.
The wheels of history churn inexorably on, with or without your indignation. Buckle in, look after yourself, and try to enjoy the ride.
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