I work at a small business that has had to make changes due to the pandemic, I come from a small town and earn a respectable yet decidedly middle class income. Please millionaire Rex Murphy, tell me how I am a snob for thinking a restaurant owner should follow health guidelines?
my larger problem with the article is Rex making the argument that "we are all in it together, I hear", and "try a little empathy". While completely ignoring the fact that by doing what he did, Adam has shown he has no empathy for anyone but himself and his problems.
Where is the empathy for nurses, doctors, front line workers, who are struggling to stay safe in a pandemic, while one guy decides he is above the rules. If we were all in it together then BBQ should get on board and help us all stay safe.
Also if anyone is reading this tweet don’t forget it’s #GivingTuesday if you have the ability to make a donation to a charity please do! Charities and non-profits provide vital services in our communities.
You can follow @Nick_Leye.
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