If prostitution is legalised and licensed brothels with condoms established, would the current rampant sexual abuse of very young girls by adult men come to an end in many societies? Registered, licensed sex workers who get tested often, pay taxes and earn pension. #worldaidsday
This, my friends, is a question that every society struggles and ponders with. Important to note, is that many societies have and are experimenting with various arrangements with varying levels of success as they attempt to address a very emotive issue captured in many studies.
There is no ONE FACTOR that can be said to be the ONLY reason to explain the complexity of various kinds of sexual abuse against infants, young girls, young boys, youthful or elderly people. There are MANY factors that contribute to such behaviour. Solutions are needed yesterday.
I would invite all of you to spend some time with knowledge that has been produced about these sexual abuse issues by researchers who work with lots of proper evidence. It will help you to understand the complexity of looking for solutions to solve a very huge global problem.
For example, here is a study from the Netherlands for your eyes and especially for you to REFLECT upon. It does not suggest easy quick solutions. It demonstrates the complex algebra of issues of sex abuse and addresses my Q. Here is a link to the article: https://bit.ly/36seBxz 
As you spend some time on my Timeline, feel at home. You are in a space where we invest some time to delve into uncomfortable issues that plague our world. Yes, those issues that people run away from because of the heat they emit. Spit that heat here but suggest a solution too.⚖
People have come out with many explanations. I don't need any explanations. People who are sexually abused don't need those many explanations. Societies where we all are located need SOLUTIONS. So keep your explanations I know them from many threads here and in very many studies.
What is the DEFINITION of child sexual abuse? Rape and paedophilia are NOT the only form of child sexual abuse 🤦🏾‍♂️. There are many forms of child sexual abuse BUT people here focus on rape and paedophilia. The World Health Organization defines child sexual abuse BROADLY. Read👇🏾:
Here is a thread that continued this debate with a specific focus on Kenya. https://twitter.com/johnnjenga/status/1333993171483811842?s=19
You can follow @johnnjenga.
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