I’m glad to see schools systems moving towards reopening for younger children as a path out of remote-only, and for systems that are pulling back from in-person schooling to do so in a way that keeps elementary schools open for as long as possible

1/n https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/30/nyregion/elementary-schools-reopening.html
I wish we were in a position where tradeoffs did not need to be made, but since we must, prioritizing younger children, who have both great need and lower risk makes sense

So does prioritizing students with special needs and other vulnerable students

Does that mean in-person schooling for all such students?

Probably not, given capacity constraints

But we can do more within the constraints we have

Small, masked (outdoor, when possible) meet up for middle and high school students for socializing and checking in

Learning pods and learning centers for students that need additional support with remote learning, including English learners and students in temporary housing

1-1 in-person therapies and sessions for students with disabilities

Support for remote learning in multiple languages, support for devices and internet

Remote option must remain for families that want it


It remains the case that the best way to reopen school is to suppress the pandemic, with a real, federal-led response

Deployment of rapid testing technology at schools may provide a way forward

But we likely need #schoolsbeforebars and an appropriate federal bailout for industries that must close or pause

We need funding for schools to mitigate state revenue losses due to the recession, for additional costs during COVID, and for compensatory support for students (summer school, tutoring, etc.)

Of course, until Biden takes office I have little hope for any of this

And without the Senate flipping via Georgia the chance of a sizable bailout and funding for schools is slim

But Biden will have the bully pulpit, and can marshal extant resources in meaningful ways

Vaccines are on the horizon, but with distribution, hesitancy, and lack of child trials, they will not be a fast solution for schools

Waiting for the vaccine is not enough

What can we do now?

Is A Better Spring Possible?

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