How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of the grown human man who tweeted this while serving as a United States Senator:
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of Marco Rubio, the grown human man who stood on a stage and told a penis joke about Donald Trump while serving as a United States Senator.
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of Lindsey Graham, the United States Senator who said Black people are welcome to “go anywhere” in South Carolina, but only if they’re conservative.
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of Rand Paul, the United States Senator who suggested that gay marriage would lead to humans marrying animals and said Obama’s views on it couldn’t get any “gayer.”
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. These are men and women who, while serving as United States Senators, bowed and scraped before this font of Twitter venom:
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. These are men and women who, while serving as United States Senators, did nothing to address this vile official tweet attacking an American:
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. These are men and women who, while serving as United States Senators, did nothing to address this tweet undermining public confidence in our national security apparatus:
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of the congressional committee that tweeted this:
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of the sitting United States Senator who said the quiet part out loud:
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of the sitting United States Senator who attacked a congressional witness for fulfilling his constitutional duty with a bizarre smear.
Has Ted Cruz taken a break from clicking "like" on porn sites long enough to criticize any nominee's tweets?
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of Senator David Perdue who personally defended Trump's racist (and factually incorrect) tweets telling several female congresswomen to "go back" to their countries.
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of Senator Kevin Cramer, who tweeted:
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of the Republican congressman who tweeted this mafia-style threat at a congressional witness:
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of Matt Gaetz who, while serving in Congress, tweeted that anti-fascists were “terrorists” and asked “can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?"
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of Greg Murphy who, while serving in Congress, tweeted this racist garbage:
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of Tom Cotton, a U.S. Senator who suggested that slavery was "was the necessary evil upon which the union was built."
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of Sen. Chuck Grassley, whose twitter account defended calling COVID-19 the "China virus." (It's not known whether Grassley or his "pidgin" posted the racist tweet.)
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of House minority leader Kevin McCarthy, who just loves racist labels for a human virus that knows no nationality.
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of the weird young congressional representative from North Carolina whose immaturity is on full display:
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. This is the party of the wretch who sits in Congress and tweets crap like this:
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. They confirmed Richard Grenell after he tweeted that a female TV host looked like Justin Bieber, asked if one woman "snaps on" her hair and said another looked like someone much older.
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. Have they met Senator Lindsey Graham, who just called one such nominee a "nut job"?
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. These Senators voted to confirm Bill Barr after he appeared before them and said he would ignore the guidance of ethics officials whenever he disagreed with it.
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. Are they unaware that Senator Cornyn tweeted a photo of Democratic Senators from before the pandemic to suggest they weren't wearing masks during the pandemic?
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. Don't they know Senator Cornyn tweeted a photo of Corona beer to troll Americans during a deadly coronavirus pandemic as their party increased the death toll by downplaying the danger?
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. Don't they know Senator Paul attacked the nation's leading immunologist, who has been receiving death threats as a result of Republican attacks on him, for doing his damn job?
How Republican Senators find the chutzpah to criticize any nominee’s tweets is totally amazing. Sen. Hawley fought Twitter to push Russian disinformation about a candidate's son, then bent time and space by arguing that capitalists are marxists in a bizarre partisan rant.
I could continue. But you get the point. This was never about the nominee's tweets. This is about partisan Republican Senators doing whatever they can to sabotage the President-elect after spending four years on their knees shining President Trump's shoes.
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