1/6 Thread on chemical attacks in #Syria. As yesterday was The Day Of Remembrance For All Victims Of Chemical Warfare, I remember the #KhanShaykhun's horrific attack, when I rushed to hospitals, I found dozens of injured civilians dying, and the medical staff unable to help.
2/6 On 4 April 2017, a warplane took off from Shayrat Air Base, which is under the control of Russian-backed government forces, targeting the town of Khan Shaykhun, south of #Idlib province, at 6:30 morning with chemicals, killing 90 civilians and wounding 541 others.
4/6 “There were about 15 dead in only two houses, and there were other injured we couldn't help,” a paramedic said.

#Russia attacked hospital surrounding the area to try to destroy the evidence and kill some witnesses making the wounded at double risk.
6/6 Thousands of Syrians are still waiting for justice to thid day @UN_Disarmament. Under Russia's protection al-Assad still keeps his chemical weapons to this day, making him a constant threat on the Syrian people and the whole world.
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