Regret to inform you that the race science psychologists are at it again, using Richard Lynn's rubbish national IQ dataset to speculate about the evolution of global differences in cognitive ability.
This dataset is so flawed that the European Human Behaviour & Evolution Association recently issued a statement to clarify that "any conclusions drawn from these data are both untenable, and likely to give rise to racist conclusions."
The authors of this new paper double down on one of the most problematic issues with this dataset, that the average IQ of some nations is recorded as "evidencing moderate to mild mental retardation".
Also, got to laugh at this embarrassing pseudo-intellectual pontification jiving with an embarrassing grammatical error. If you're a colleague who publishes in this journal or sits on the editorial board, it might be time to think twice about those decisions. Just sayin'
Also, we need to talk about the common use of a bogus version of "life history theory" in racist pseudoscience.
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