Let me start by saying, as an RN for over a decade it seems I have more understanding of this virus than you. Therefore let me educate you DOCTOR, when patients come in and test positive instead of sending them home with orders to quarantine for 14 days, and ...1/5 https://twitter.com/tnicholsmd/status/1333391203782443008
come back to the ER if they feel like they can’t breathe. When YOU know in most cases those with underlying conditions, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. They’ll be back within a few days with double pneumonia, and then we come to the scenario you just posted about. 2/5👇🏼
YOU know what you’re doing! I know what you’re doing, and pretty soon the WORLD will know what you’re doing. If you cared about human life, and wanted to end 90% + of deaths from this virus. When they come in, and test positive don’t just tell them to go home and quarantine 3/5
for 14 days. Treat them with #HCQ, Zinc, & Azithromycin. That’s how you SAVE lives! That’s how you end this man made virus. You know that as well as the rest of the medical world. SARS-CoV-2 is 96% identical to SARS-CoV. What was the treatment and PREVENTATIVE for SARS DOCTOR?4/5
When treated there’s a 90% chance they recover, and don’t return to the hospital. HOWEVER, THAT’S NOT THE PLAN! You want people admitted in ICU to give more credibility to this “virus.” Start treating patients EARLY! You think you’ll get away with this? I pray God has mercy. 5/5
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