That the gov't keeps telling people living in informal settings to relocate as it's dangerous is such a fucking offensive thing & I realize that many of you don't know why. How do you think they ended up there? Holness is one of the few to mention that it was political expedience
Years ago, when the political wars were even hotter than they are now, political machinations led to both admins (unuh move & gweh, your party's hands are just as dirty as the others) going to rural areas & luring people to Kgn as a way of increasing the number of constituencies
These people left their homes thinking that they were coming to Kgn to "start life" but they were greeted with inadequate housing options, damn near none of the job opportunities they were promised & settlements that had no roads, no utilities & often no houses.
But they were promised that if so & so won the election, all of that would change. Wide-scale development would come, jobs jobs jobs would be created & everything would be nice (sound familiar?). None of that happened. They found themselves marginalized & stuck in low wage jobs
But, they were there & many didn't want to risk going back to the country & missing out on the promised opportunities (should they eventually materialize), so they formed communities, made do with communal access to water & started families. They knew the areas weren't safe
But none of them intended to stay there. Yet, decades later, their offspring now occupy those same communities & every 4 years, like clockwork, the offspring & proteges of those same politicians from decades ago, come around & promise them houses, jobs & opportunities ... if...
So, they stay & they keep voting & the opportunities keep outpacing them because many of them don't have the resources or access to improve their lives in any meaningful ways. The few who do, you see them on Profile or some other fluff piece years later as a success story
But those stories highlight the personal challenges they overcame while skirting around the systemic issues that led to them having to struggle to overcome & reach to where they did. There is no motivation for gov't to sustainably change their lives. They are malleable voters.
So, they pay lip service & make their rounds every 4 years to restate promises that they can damn well fulfill but have no fucking intention of manifesting. I need y'all to miss me with any defense of ANY political party in this country. They can find money to do what is needed
But instead, they allow corruption & mismanagement to run rife through public offices & use money to do what suits THEM. The pot is simmering though. It soon bubble over. Just watch.
When y'all drive past those settlements, think long & hard about how they ended up there & why they're still there. Don't judge them too harshly. They are just another category of victims of political expedience, incompetence, corruption & mismanagement.
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