*feel free to add*
1. Eileen being missing. I get Covid being an issue but the fact they don't even mention her makes NO sense. It should have been clear she was Sam's blurry wife via photos/use of sign language etc. Zero thought was put into that.
2. No mention of anyone else who was zapped away in 18. What happened to Charlie & Stevie? Donna? Jody? Again covid explains missing actors but NO MENTION proves a sloppy mess of a script.
3. Dropped plot point about Rowena losing control of Hell? What was going on there? Why did it not get resolved? Why is EVERY WOMAN JUST NOT MENTIONED AGAIN?
4. Why is Dean Jr only in his 20s when Sam is in his 80s and dying? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE
5. How does Sam even have that picture of him, Dean, John and Mary from the 300th when literally everything from that universe would have been erased once the pearl was destroyed. PROOF THIS IS A FUCKED UP AU OF CHUCKS? YES.
6. Come to think of it WHY NO PICS OF EILEEN OR CAS OR JACK OR ANYONE ELSE? WHAT HAPPENED TO FAMILY DON'T END IN BLOOD? Did the SPN production crew all collectively lose their minds after covid or what?
7. The dropped Empty story. It was LOUD apparently but then nothing? Did Jack fix it? Who fucking knows.
8. Honestly the line "Cas helped" doesn't cover anything. Ok so he's alive but how? Did Jack fix the Empty? Why was this not elaborated on? It just raises more questions.
9. This isn't related to Destiel but CASTIEL IS STILL A GLARING ISSUE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. Are you seriously telling me all Dean can do is smirk at the ides of his best friends resurrection? WHAT? And then just... DRIVE? Its SO wrong.
10. Also just everything about Dean in this ep was out of character. Just how he didn't wanna know more about Cas's return, but also how he didn't grieve his best friend when we have seen his grief previously. This isn't about a ship, its about continuity in the story.
11. Dean dying by such means so soon after he talks about living to honour those they lost is a slap in the face to those they lost. Its a 180 character personality flip in the SAME EPISODE.
12. Why would you even have terrible tasting beer in heaven with your abusive father living down the road? Seems to me like Dean was in the BAD PLACE.
13.a. Ok so one final point, again NOT ABOUT THE SHIP but Castiel DID confess his love and any decent story narrative would conclude with a response to this from the party confessed to. Even if Dean didn't reciprocate it SHOULD have been addressed.
13.b. Good stories don't just deliver half a love confession and then drop them and never give the audience an answer. It is wholly unsatisfactory and makes NO SENSE narratively. So this is a glaring failure on the finale in every way.
14. Not so much about the finale itself, but why is this finale LITERALLY what Chuck wrote that horrified Becky in 15x04, like it is EXACTLY what Chuck wrote? How is that a good ending when the show itself TELLS US its a bad ending IN THE SHOW? Something doesn't add up at all.
15. I am adding this thread because fucking hell they really did revert back to season 1. Misogyny and all.
16. Yup more plot holes just abandoned by those who wanted S1 level wank fodder and nothing else.
17. Not a plot hole, but an important point. What is the point of AKF and YANA if the show gives a final message of "there is only peace and happiness in death"? This isn't just a bad ending, its totally irresponsible in every way.
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