Thread: There has been a fair deal of discourse on free speech on social media. Proponents of unregulated free speech on social media say that censoring or slapping warning labels on posts infringes on a person’s 1A rights. 1/6
They argue that since you can talk to friends or chat in a group chat however you want, the same rules should apply to social media. Here’s why that’s illogical. Talking to your buddies in a room only goes so far. Things on social media spread like wildfire. 2/6
If there is no one to moderate blatant lies, calls to violence, racism, misogyny, etc... on social media, then half truths and lies become reality. We need people to regulate our speech to a degree on social media. 3/6
Americans are so obsessed with the idea of freedom, when ironically, we do things that stifle our right to freedom. By politicizing the pandemic, we have lost so many chances at living a normal life right now. 4/6
We are not the only free country. Other countries do look to the US for direction. The chaos that has ensued here in America has deep ramifications for our reputation and standing abroad. 5/6
I’ll sum up with this. We are a nation of diverse individuals. To set claim to this nation as your own while ignoring the needs of others is antithetical to the sprit of America. Much love to all of you fighting for our future. 6/6
PS: I’m bringing this up due to all this nonsense about abolishing Section 230. People don’t understand what they’re talking about. They just parrot whatever Trump tweets. Reform, okay. Abolish? NO!
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