To any young man with aspirations of greatness

Learn these 6 principles in your 20s and you'll leave your peers in the dust

// THREAD //
1) Money

Get your bread up. Simple as that.

You can't save your way to wealth if you have a tiny income. Learn a skillset of some sort and learn to sell your abilities. This could be getting clients for a biz, making side hustles, and finding other jobs that can pay you more
As your income increases DON'T INCREASE YOUR COST OF LIVING

keep your savings rate high and don't go into debt to flex on people you don't even know

Budget every month and dump any excess into savings/investments every month (dollar cost average into some form of investment)w
2) Muscle

Lift heavy shit at least 3 days a week and eat more protein. Nobody likes a weak ass dude.

It will

-help confidence
-build discipline
-make clothes fit better
-Inevitably improve your diet
-probably get you laid TBFH
3) Mind

Meditation & Stoicism changed my life

Meditating has helped me calm my mind & think more clearly

Learning about stoicism has helped me limit anxiety around business decisions and improved my mental fortitude

10/10 would recommend both
4) Friends

"You are the average of the 5 ppl you surround yourself w/"

We've all heard it before, but trust me, its true

Choose your friends wisely

You don't need a million

Just a few people who genuinely want the best for you & push you to be the best version of yourself
5) Stop beating ur meat

Aigh, I know this sounds fucking weird, but hear me out

The stats on porn addiction are crazy. Most dudes don't realize how detrimental it is to their sexual health & vitality

Quit that shit

I promise you, Your girl and your dick will thank you
6) Stop consuming shit information

Instead of binging reality TV & lies from "news" sources

Start feeding yourself information that can actually move your life forward
You can start right here on twitter. Instead of following random shit, try and follow some authors, business people, or though leaders in an industry that interests you

You'll have the ideas of powerful people in your pocket
Speaking of following people on twitter

If you found this thread helpful, please retweet the original tweet and shoot me a follow! @seanmathew_

I mainly tweet advice about life & business. If you have any questions feel free to DM me (plz don't ask dumb shit)
You can follow @seanmathew_.
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