Yesterday, while everyone was helpfully explaining to me why Bitcoin is broken, obsolete and failing to fulfill it's mission, I ran my monthly payroll.

I have a dozen people on my team, scattered across six countries and four continents. A multinational small business. Many get paid in Bitcoin or Ether.

BTC payroll is batched in a single RBF transaction, sent from Segwit native addresses. I low-ball the fee by 50% usually and wait 30 minutes, then bump it if I need to. Mostly I don't need to.

Yesterday, I paid $1.50 to send my 4 figure USD value payroll transaction and it got confirmed in the 4th block after broadcast. At around 8pm my time, my team got paid in under an hour, all around the world

Some of them are in countries under currency controls and hyperinflation. The Bitcoin they get is a lifeline, because they can't get paid any other way.

So while I was being "schooled" on Twitter about abandoning the unbanked and underbanked, abandoning my principles and following a dead-end path... I ran payroll.

My lived experience and that of the people who work for me, trumps their concern trolling. Those who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those currently doing it.

The irony of being told how Bitcoin is failed, dead, useless on the same day it is at all-time high again and the same day I run my monthly payroll is savory and delicious.

Carry on concern trolling. I've got work to do.
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