Well, I’ve come to Genesis 37 which means one thing: the Joseph saga begins. I half dread it and I’ll tell you why. No matter how many times I read it, Joseph’s gonna do the same thing. He’s gonna tell his brothers his dreams & he’s gonna wear that dang coat to go check on them.
Here’s what I’d like to say this morning: you don’t have to go tell every (proverbial or actual) dream or vision God gives you. Particularly to people who already resent you. Don’t be a smarty pants. Some things are better left between you and God. Journal them. Or tell them
privately and prayerfully to a mentor. For starters, you may have accidentally made it up, misunderstood or misinterpreted God’s leadership. Or there may have been too many jalapeños in your salsa the night before. For seconders, if God grants you a speck of insight that you may
lead or be greatly used, you need to know and accept in advance that, coinciding with the development of that servanthood will be the hardest tests of your entire life and you’ll likely fail a good bit of them. If you are blessed indeed, the Lord will pummel that flesh of yours
into humility. If you strut around in your multicolored coat, all you’ll have done is draw attention to yourself when you make a fool of yourself. (Not saying Joseph did. Saying show offs do.) And if perchance God does make you into a great leader, He will be faithful to pop your
ego like a balloon with so many thorns that, when you look in the mirror, all you see’s grace. What Jesus said to the greatest heroes of our faith on that dark night will never ever be untrue: the greatest among us will be servant of all. Great leaders never think they’re great.
They think they’re graced. You’re not ready to be greatly used until you have no earthly idea why God would use you at all.
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