1. It is imperative that we make clear what has/is happening in the 2020 cycle. We only saw democracy hold, we only saw the 1-39 record, we only saw the rule of law hold here in America bc of the size of the margins. @JoeBiden is positioning himself to be the incontrovertible https://twitter.com/DeanObeidallah/status/1333739300731691008
2. "olive branch" extender, putting forth highly-qualified & non-controversial cabinet picks to go along w his continued reliance on a "reset" w the GOP, all but begging the party to "return from the ledge" and meet him in Jan. w the intention of governing the country- something
3. the GOP stopped doing long ago when it embraced a different role, that of entrenched opposition seeking to hold power simply to hold it & to seed judges. As you know, I (sadly) think these efforts, which have really been a full "dog belly up" submission package will gain Biden
4. little. But frankly, if the GOP wins control of the senate and holds normal confirmation hearings, confirming Biden's uncontroversial nominees, that's a least 1 step in return to normalcy. Its not impossible that the Rep Party is so far gone that they won't even do that after
5. an entire transition of Biden being overly polite to them, even while many of them prepared to engage in a illegal coup that was foiled not by the institutions holding, no, not by that, but by the margins simply making the plan too much of a sell in the Courts. So as
6. @DeanObeidallah points out, the price of Biden's effort to try to get the GOP to do bipartisanship is that its forcing his silence about a coup attempt by the REPUBLICAN PARTY, not just Trump. I'll add that if/when the GOP fails to meet Biden, it'll be bc they'll find some
7. mild/modest "slight" Biden commits that will erase 3 months of total submission by the prez-elect. They use that as a justification for abandoning bipartisanship & screwing him over. What will matter is what Biden does THEN. Bc Obama didn't learn/pivot & got his ass kicked.
8. If Biden does the same the 2022 midterms will be a bloodbath bc the GOP will obstruct him & then go to the voters & point at him & say, "look, that guy said he could fix your problems and hasn't done it." I want to believe that Biden understands this. Esp bc the price we're
9. paying right now by not calling the GOP/Trump out for what they're doing to democracy and not making this a BIG issue is going to be high. So far, only @ChrisMurphyCT seems to understand where this is heading- the replacement at the state level of people like @GaSecofState who
10. honor the rule of law, w party loyalists who in the next election will be willing to invalidate Americans' ballots bc they come from a Black county to reverse engineer a GOP win. That future is imminent in an America where there is no downside to planning & trying to execute
11. a coup from the office of the presidency. It is a future that ends all democratic ones for the United States. And it is one that is MUCH more likely when Trump's actions are normalized.
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