*Statement on Tier 3 vote*

Regrettably, I cannot vote for the Government’s Tier 3 measures tonight.

Throughout this crisis, I have been urging the Government to act quickly and responsibly to take the hard decision to control this virus. 1/10
They negligently missed the opportunity to use the school half term break as a circuit breaker. This has led to the need for longer and more severe restrictions. 2/10
The Government has failed to use the national lockdown to fix test and trace and is now forcing Tier 3 areas like Hull to survive on a one-off £20 per head discretionary business payment, the same level of business support as Tier 1 areas like the Isle of Wight and Cornwall 3/10
This money must last the entire time we are in Tier 3 restrictions and it just won’t plug the gap. The hospitality industry such as pubs, restaurants and bars have been decimated by this pandemic already and they will not survive without proper support. 4/10
But it’s not just those businesses that will be destroyed, it’s the people that are employed to work in the supply chains who will be affected as well. 5/10
Working from home, or self-isolating for two weeks without proper sick pay, is a luxury that many people in Hull just cannot afford, and Government Ministers do not seem to care. 6/10
Therefore, those on lower incomes, who cannot work from home, need financial support if we are to get this virus under control. 7/10
They have no plan to make sure the new Tiers will be effective or fair, and I will not allow Hull to be left behind yet again or for our vital hospitality and associated businesses to be sacrificed. 8/10
There is no doubt that public health restrictions are required to get this virus under control. We have to build on the hard work and sacrifice of people in East Hull and the wider city which has brought our infection rate down by 58 percent in just two weeks, 9/10
so therefore I will not be voting against tiered restrictions, but will continue to fight for the support East Hull deserves.

Tier 3 restrictions must come hand in glove with a proper package of financial support if we are to beat this pandemic. 10/10
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