Anti-baizuo thread:

1. Bernie Sanders has the clout to upend the status quo if he was actually interested in doing so, but he isn't even slightly interested.
2. He was pretty much a nobody for years, and hardly anyone knew about him other than people who watch C-SPAN, but after Michael Moore featured him in his 2009 documentary "Capitalism: a Love Story," he became better known.
3. After Occupy, he became a household name, but not by his own merits. The masses began questioning capitalism and once again began to explore the concept of socialism,
4. and that's when Sanders swooped in and was like "hey everybody, I've been a socialist this whole time! Socialism is capitalism with some welfare while voting Democrat!" He hijacked that mass energy and rerouted it into supporting the Democrats.
5. If he was remotely interested in bringing down the establishment, he could have done it if he had actually harnessed the energy generated by the Occupy movement and helped direct it towards building up a left alternative to the Democrats.
6. He COULD have done this, but he didn't, because all he wants is to keep the Democrats in power. Contrary to popular belief, Sanders has not popularized socialism among the masses. All he's done is blur the definition of socialism for the people.
7. He does not support ending the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, nor does he advocate ending US imperialism.
8. Sanders, AOC, and all other liberals who call themselves "socialists" are vocal about how they will push establishment Democrats towards the left, but they'll also unconditionally pledge their votes for whatever candidates those same Democrats nominate.
9. By doing so, they're simply telling the Democrats: "fuck the people however you please; we might posture and condemn you, but please do not worry, we will still vote for you!"
10. Sanders and AOC are not stupid at all, nor are they naive in the slightest bit. They are perfect examples of opportunists who are "left" in form, but right in essence.
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