The #KeiraBell ruling completely undercuts the claims and issued materials of the entire gender lobby: Mermaids, Stonewall, GIRES all have egg on their faces; GIDS, Webberley and the pharmacists must all now review their practises. Why didnt you research this @lisanandy?
It confirms that "the vast majority of patients taking puberty blocking drugs proceed to cross sex hormones"

Puberty blockers are not just 'a pause button'. They are not just 'a space to think'.

Why did you swallow this guff so easily @SarahChampionMP
Puberty blockers are "a pathway to a much greater medical intervention".

A child needs to be informed and understand the "unknown physical consequences" and "the fact that the evidence base for this treatment is as yet uncertain".

Why did you think otherwise @RLong_Bailey
The High Court has ruled that it is 'highly unlikely' that any child aged 13 or under would be capable of taking such a decision.

That's dozens of children whose licensed abuse you have encouraged in the last decade @AngelaRayner
The court has also ruled that it is 'doubtful' a child under 16 could understand the 'long term risks and consequences' of puberty blockers.

Why did you condemn all these young women @DawnButlerBrent ?
And all you gay guys from @CrispinBlunt to @lloyd_rm from Regina Fong and the Vauxhall Tavern, Owen Jones, Ben Cohen and Prowler Press.

Now would be a good time to apologise and rethink your statements.
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