On a day where the courts decided that a child cannot knowingly consent to life changing 'treatment' for gender dysphoria, we should pause for a moment to consider why supposedly informed adults, who are meant to 'first do no harm', could be so easily swayed by a false ideology.
I am no genius, but right from the start when I stumbling upon gender ideology, I could see so clearly that every single tenet that made up the framework of thinking was based on false ideas, downright lies, and utterly naive premises. How could therapists believe for one second
that the way to treat a mental health condition was to physically alter the body. Ive said it before but it is worth repeating; we do not encourage those who are deluded about having an 'evil leg' to chop it off. We do not encourage anorexic girls to starve themselves further...
...we do not reify the beliefs of someone suffering paranoid delusions. We treat the underlying psychological condition as best we can, we try to bring the sufferers back into the light of reality. Why should gender/body incongruence be any different. There is homophobia lurking
behind gender ideology; there is a hatred of the body & biology; there is misogyny, there is fetishisation of lesbianism, & a hatred of lesbianism; there is porn fuelled ideas about gender expression. Gender ideology is a false toxic, nihilistic ideology. I would like it gone.
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