Bath Short Story anthology killer lines to tempt you readers: This from @sharontelfer ‘It’s one of those evenings where the sky is pure blue but white tips on the waves warn how the wind will bite.’ @BathStoryAward
This from Stephen Gibbin: 'She was thirteen and had let him put it into her knickers for a quarter of chewy nits and a can of Iron Bru....' @BathStoryAward
This from @Karjon '...she takes a salty, vinegary chip and runs it under her nose, sniffing it like it's an expensive cigar before she puts it in her mouth and does a monkey 'oo-oo-oo' because of the heat.
This from L. M. Brown 'Your sister took photos of you for the first twenty days you were in a coma.'
This from Robin Booth: 'Maybe the reason people don't like to step over the crack is because it's so deep.'
From @Bothwick_Cro 'He hates them. He hates their oily wool, the craggy pieces of shit that dangle from their backsides. The stink of them that never leaves him.'
From @danpowfiction, '....and I am thinking up something to say to you, something I haven't said before, something you haven't heard before...'
From Elizabeth Allen, 'You hope each stroke felt like someone saying, 'You're not a burden. You are not a burden. You are not a burden.'
From Kate Coffey, 'Did you know, someone else says, that up close she has skin like a seal?'
From Elizabeth Cooke, 'I feel as if I'm just like the Leyden jar, full up of tears and with a strange current, a recurring shock of sorts, running through me.
From Louise Dean, 'Karen has newly tattooed eyebrows and Melissa tells her they frame her face. She tells Karen this mostly because she is stuck with them.'
From @PaulADornan 'The boy is the only sound in the air now, the sole bird in Martha's sky.'
From @silverbackedG 'When the dirt came, it was in the clouds and the wind and the rain. What was in the ground was in the air. What was in the air was in the people. The dirt sucked up the sun and kept it inside.'
From Hannah Jingwen Lee, 'Mummy loves me best in Mandarin. In English, she smooths my skirt, tells me to brush my hair because it's like a rat's nest.'
From Sara Mang, 'Wear pjs. No bras. We'll drink rosé, soak nude in the hot tub, research vaginal beads, buff our heels and so on.'
From Hilary Key, 'Like always she shoots back in her old lady voice A Time Machine and we laugh like we're all in cahoots. But today Femi's on a roll and goes whatfor you makin a time machine lady?' And she goes To kill my husband 'fore I even met him.'
From Bruce Meyer, 'He claimed he was a hagiologist in his spare time, someone who studies saints.'
From Harriet Nisbet, 'I can't believe you're sleeping with that guy. Yesterday he shouted at me for putting my plums in his fridge space.'
From @ShannonSavvas, ' Away from the oldies, fifteen-year old Jonah Miller sprawls on his dad's unmown front lawn with a couple of rag-tag mates, snitched tinnies in hand, heads rocking and playing air guitar.'
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