1/5 I love hunting in the snow. Deer can be seen from hundreds of yards away, and the snow seems to muffle all the usual sounds that come from a distance. It is a different hunt. The deer are no longer foraging in the fields, but they are looking for the browse that grows in the
2/5 fence lines and above the new fallen snow. Snow has two affects. It exposes and conceals. It doesn’t take long to see a brown deer move across white snow. Its color and movement are magnified against the pale background. But what about under the snow? Have you noticed
3/5 how snow hides every flaw of earth? Like a blanket, the snow covers every crook, crevice, and cranny of the ground. It conceals everything it falls upon.
There is an overwhelming comparison between God’s grace and the purity of snow. Our hurts, laid against the backdrop of
4/5 God’s grace, are exposed and magnified like the deer against the snow. But when they are “under” His grace, they are concealed and covered. Are your hurts exposed by grace, or have they been covered by grace? His grace will cover every scar if you will let it.
5/5 And as long as there is a scar to be covered, somewhere in God’s kingdom, it’s snowing.

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