After collecting my thoughts for episode 6, I figured doing a short thread about it because this was a really important episode for 2 of the characters that I really love from this series.

I still think Erwin was the right choice but I understand now why Levi chose Armin.
Weighing the two is basically just impossible tbh but if we're gonna be fully rational in that situation Erwin was the right choice w/o a doubt. He has the leadership, the experience, and the resolve to see through his goals no matter what. That's why I really agree with Floch's
argument in that moment.

Moving on to the difference between Armin and Erwin's dream. Experiencing this moment again made me realize the huge difference between their goals and ideals. Ever since the beginning Erwin's desire of learning the truth have been shown as his driving
force and he is a character that would stop at nothing to realize that dream of his. Now, here comes some sort of wall in that dream of his when it comes to comparing it to Armin's. He has always said that he wants to know the truth of the world but never once did he really go
further than that. Although Eren only said here that Armin has "dreams" and did not elaborate on it, I like to interpret that dreams of his that he always talk about is just like the sea; that Armin's dream is far more vast. When you really think about it
Armin and Erwin's dream really are just the same in a sense but the weight of it differ drastically. Erwin's dream comes to a stop when he learns the truth but Armin's dream doesn't stop at the truth. To be exact, Armin's dream is already the truth Erwin seeks. Meaning,
Armin's dream far surpass that of Erwin's. Although I don't really mean to compare whose dream is far more better, it's basically just a fact.

That's also probably why in the end Levi chose Armin instead of Erwin. There was also a whole flashback of him remembering Erwin and
Armin's dream respectively. Kenny's speech was also in there which adds more to the fact that Erwin's drive ends at the "truth" he seeks and that Armin's doesn't.
Anyways,,, they are both my goats and experiencing the whole scene again made me appreciate it even more and made me realize a lot of things. Isayama really played w/ our hearts when he decided that there had to be a time where someone has to be chosen between Armin and Erwin.
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