When I see these tweets, it blows my mind that these people either (a)think they're more astute than the world's epidemiologists or (b)believe that 10s of 1000s of people in hospitals, governments etc across the world are conspiring to lie.

That level of distrust is really sad.
Literally they believe that the following people (amongst 100s of others) have turned their back on their education and their ethics to deceive people about the seriousness of Covid (or are just all simultaneously stupid):
WHO epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove, Martin Hibberd, Professor London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Zeng Guang, former China CDC chief, Wu Zunyou, the CDC's present chief epidemiologist, Dr. Andrea C. Wasilewski, MD, URMC,
Dr. Christian Drosten chief virologist of the Charite Hospital in Berlin, Dr. Hendrik Streeck, head of the Institute of Virology at Bonn's University Clinic, Dr. Anthony Fauci (50 years of public health service), Anders Tegnell
Motoki Iwasaki Chief of Japan's division of Epidemiology, Cesar Victora, International Center for Equity in Health Brazil, Professor Paul Kelly Acting Chief Medical Officer Australia, János Szlávik, Budapest South Pest Hospital
Every single chief epidemiologist, hospital head, hospital staff, scientist and government worker in every single country currently calling covid a serious pandemic has to be lying or stupid for these tweets to make sense.
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