🚨Right-wing icons, commentators, and personalities have unsurprisingly COMPLETLY wrong about coronavirus.

Imagine if disinformation hadn't been continuously spread to 40% of the American population from the start of this pandemic.

It's not just disinformation. They have been continuously undermining and attacking the ACTUAL experts since day one.
Just a background of whereas on 1st of Dec 2020.

The USA is currently at 270 000 coronavirus deaths, with many more to come before a vaccine. In reality, we're looking at AT LEAST 500 000.
Laura Ingham - Fox News

Listen to what Laura Ingham is saying here.
1) She is fermenting distrust in experts and their ability to forecast what will happen
2) She downplays it WAY too early.

As the old saying goes: "don't count your chickens before they hatch"
Brian Kilmead - Fox News

Here he has a jab at the experts "200 000 oops XD I mean 60 000" and says we need to think of the economy.

The thing is if they hadn't played the virus down the economy would be in much better shape now and more importantly, there be MUCH fewer deaths.
Dinesh D'Souza - Political commentator and 4 time Razzie winner. https://twitter.com/DineshDSouza/status/1250575779290910720?s=20
Candace Owens - Conservative author/commentator

FACT: @RealCandaceO you never knew what the f you were talking about. https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1248352293004759046?s=20
Steve Hilton - Fox News

This whole segment was just ONE continuous attack on doctors and health experts.

What a crock of sh*t. Not to mention all experts and the CDC was severely hampered by Trump

As for lockdowns ➡️Look at Australia and New Zealand right now.
Sean Hannity - Fox News

They weren't and were never "Wrong, wrong wrong"

Sean Hannity was and has always been wrong, wrong wrong.
Sean Hannity - Fox News (part 2)

"We hit the apex as we thought we would"

America actually never had and has never finished it's the first wave.

Their messaging throughout this pandemic is one of the main reasons the US is in this situation now.
Tucker Carlson - Fox News

Tucker Carlson:

"What is the scientific justification..."

"The virus isn't as nearly as deadly as we thought, all of us"

No, we didn't all think that Tucker.
Hannity. Rush. Dobbs. Ingraham. Pirro. Nunes. Tammy. Geraldo. Doocy. Hegseth. Schlapp. Siegel. Watters. Dr. Drew. Henry. Ainsley. Gaetz. Inhofe. Pence. Kudlow. Conway. Trump.
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